Unwelcomed: A Fair Housing History of Sales & Lending Discrimination Exhibit

The Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana (FHCCI) presents Unwelcomed: A Fair Housing History of Sales & Lending Discrimination, an interactive exhibit. The exhibit educates participants on the systemic barriers that have impacted today’s neighborhoods through redlining, racial covenants, steering, neighborhood intimidation, and other forms of housing discrimination. The two-sided 12 panel exhibit was launched in April 2022 and has been traveling since to new locations each month.

This website provides additional information and resources for the exhibit panels.


Panel 1 (Introduction)

Panel 2 (Racial Covenants)

Panel 3 (Neighborhood Intimidation)

Panel 4 (Redlining)

Panel 5 (Blockbusting & Steering)

Panel 6 (Anti-Discrimination Efforts)

Panels 7+ (New Forms of Discrimination)

Panels 8+ (Today’s Outcomes & Strategies)


If you are interested in hosting the exhibit or learning more about hosting expectations, contact Erika at efotsch@fhcci.org. Some photos of it displayed are below.