About the Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana

The Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana (FHCCI) is a private, nonprofit organization which was incorporated in August 2011 by a small group of community members interested in bringing a stronger fair  housing presence to central Indiana.

History: The FHCCI was initially funded through a U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development grant awarded to the National Fair Housing Alliance to establish a fair housing agency in central Indiana. Following its founding, staff were recruited and hired and an office presence implemented. The FHCCI went to full staff in January 2012 and began taking inquiries from housing consumers. The FHCCI also received its IRS nonprofit status in January 2012.

Mission: The mission of the Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana (FHCCI) is to facilitate open housing for all people by ensuring the availability of affordable and accessible housing; promoting housing choice and homeownership; advocating for an inclusive housing market; working toward stable and equitable communities; and eradicating discrimination within Central Indiana, the State of Indiana, and nationally.

Vision: The Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana (FHCCI) recognizes the importance of “home” and envisions a country where every individual, group and community enjoys equal housing opportunity and access in a bias-free and open housing market, free of housing discrimination. We envision a country where integrated neighborhoods are the norm, and private and public sectors guarantee civil rights in an open and barrier-free community committed to healing the history of discrimination in America.

FHCCI Leadership: The FHCCI is lead by a dedicated staff and Board of Directors working to advance its mission.

Programs: The FHCCI offers four main programs to advance its mission.

  • Counseling: The FHCCI provides housing counseling and referrals to individual housing consumers and housing providers. The FHCCI connects people with resources to help them locate housing options; to stave off eviction, foreclosure, or instability; to identify or access available housing programs; and to combat or address conflicts or inequities with their housing providers and/or housing services.
  • Education: The FHCCI provides education programs and outreach activities to increase fair housing knowledge by housing consumers, housing providers, and housing related services as well as barriers or challenges to housing equity and opportunity. Through these efforts, more compliance with fair housing and other critical laws will occur.
  • Inclusive Communities: The FHCCI engages in neighborhood stabilization and community investment work; combats systemic factors impacting housing choice; advocates for strong fair housing planning; brings awareness of market forces impacting housing consumers; and offers activities and programs to assist persons, neighborhoods, and communities who have been impacted by inequities, disinvestment, or unequal housing opportunity.
  • Public Policy: The FHCCI works to enact laws that will promote open access to housing; increase the awareness of policy makers and regulators about the issues associated with housing disparities and inequities; works with local, state and federal legislators to ensure strong housing laws and policies; and collaborates with fellow organizations to advance housing needs.

Who We Serve: We work with tenants, homeowners, and home seekers as well as professionals, companies, and social service agencies related to housing. These include landlords, real estate agents, lending institutions, insurance agents, entitlement jurisdictions, and more.

Service Area: The FHCCI primarily serves 24 counties in Central Indiana: Bartholomew, Boone, Brown, Clinton, Decatur, Delaware, Fayette, Franklin, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Henry, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Monroe, Morgan, Putnam, Randolph, Rush, Shelby, Tipton, Union, and Wayne. We are available to assist in other areas as staff resources and budgets allow. At this time, we are the only nonprofit fair housing organization in Indiana.

FHCCI Service Area