The Counseling Program of the Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana provides housing counseling and referrals to individual housing consumers and housing providers. The FHCCI connects people with resources to help them locate housing options; to stave off eviction, foreclosure, or instability; to identify or access available housing programs; and to combat or address conflicts or inequities with their housing providers and/or housing services.
The FHCCI believes that knowledge is power. If you have a question on a housing issue, contact the FHCCI at 317-644-0673 or email us at
We are not attorneys and cannot provide legal advice, but will help you understand your rights under law, provide you with information about your options, and/or refer you to housing providers or organizations for additional help or assistance. The information you share with us is confidential and it can be provided anonymously if you prefer. The FHCCI’s fair housing counseling services are provided for free, with no regard for income. We assist home seekers of all types whether renters, home buyers, and/or homeowners.
The FHCCI is here to help you navigate the housing barrier you are experiencing and/or provide you with resources or guidance. Some common areas of contact to our office are as follows:
Know Your Fair Housing Rights
Learn more on our Fair Housing Page
Renters: Unsafe or Inhabitable Housing Conditions/Substandard Housing
Learn more about your rights on our Landlord/Tenant Page
Renters: Understanding the Eviction Process – Housing Rights & Resources for People Facing Eviction
Visit our Tenant Screening Page for more information
Renters: Seeking Housing with a Criminal Record – Housing Rights & Resources for People with Justice Involvement
Visit our Criminal History/Justice Involvement Page for more information
Housing & Tenant Screening Reports: Housing Rights for People Denied due to a Screening Report
Visit our Tenant Screening Page for more information
Persons with Disabilities: Accessible Housing Design & Construction
Visit our Disability Page for more information
Persons with Disabilities: Reasonable Accommodations and Reasonable Modifications
Visit our Disability Page for more information
Persons with Disabilities: Protections for People with Disabilities and their Animals
Visit our Disability Page for more information
Homebuyers: Resources for People Wanting to Purchase a Home
Visit our Homeownership Page for more information
Homeowners: Utility Assistance
Visit our Homeownership Page for more information