
The Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana offers the following programs to advance its mission:

The Counseling Program of the Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana provides housing counseling and referrals to individual housing consumers and housing providers. The FHCCI connects people with resources to help them locate housing options; to stave off eviction, foreclosure, or instability; to identify or access available housing programs; and to combat or address conflicts or inequities with their housing providers and/or housing services.

The Education Program of the Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana provides education programs and outreach activities to increase fair housing knowledge by housing consumers, housing providers, and housing related services as well as barriers or challenges to housing equity and opportunity. Through these efforts, more compliance with fair housing and other critical laws will occur.

The Inclusive Communities Program of the Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana engages in neighborhood stabilization and community investment work; combats systemic factors impacting housing choice; advocates for strong fair housing planning; brings awareness of market forces impacting housing consumers; and offers activities and programs to assist persons, neighborhoods, and communities who have been impacted by inequities, disinvestment, or unequal housing opportunity.

The Public Policy Program of the Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana works to enact laws that will promote open access to housing; increase the awareness of policy makers and regulators about the issues associated with housing disparities and inequities; works with local, state and federal legislators to ensure strong housing laws and policies; and collaborates with fellow organizations to advance housing needs.

To learn more about these programs, please click on the links above.