Panel 8 (Outcomes & Strategies)
To listen to an audio recording of this panel, click here for Part 1 and here for Part 2.
-Ailsa Chang, Christopher Intagliata, and Jonaki Mehta, “Black Americans and the Racist Architecture of Homeownership,” We Hold These Truths, NPR, May 8, 2021: https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2021/05/08/991535564/black-americans-and-the-racist-architecture-of-homeownership.
-Alanna McCargo and Sarah Strochak, “Mapping the Black Homeownership Gap,” Urban Institute, February 26, 2018: https://www.urban.org/urban-wire/mapping-black-homeownership-gap.
-Andre M. Perry, Jonathan Rothwell, and David Harshbarger, “The Devaluation of Assets in Black Neighborhoods: The Case of Residential Property,” Brookings Institution, November 27, 2018: https://www.brookings.edu/research/devaluation-of-assets-in-black-neighborhoods/
-Brenda Richardson, “Redlining’s Legacy of Inequality: Low Homeownership Rates, Less Equity for Black Households,” Forbes, June 11, 2020: https://www.forbes.com/sites/brendarichardson/2020/06/11/redlinings-legacy-of-inequality-low-homeownership-rates-less-equity-for-black-households/?sh=293e90582a7c.
-“Historic Injustice in the Urban Environment: The Ecological Implications of Residential Segregation in Indianapolis,” Indiana Legal Archive: http://www.indianalegalarchive.com/ej-case-study.
-“Homeownership & Home Values Among Black Neighborhoods in Marion County (2018),” Indiana University Public Policy Institute, Center for Research on Inclusion & Social Policy, Issue 20-C02, February 2020: https://policyinstitute.iu.edu/doc/black-homeownership-brief.pdf.
-Jason Richardson, Bruce Mitchell, and Jad Edlebi, “Gentrification and Disinvestment 2020,” National Community Reinvestment Coalition, June 2020: https://ncrc.org/gentrification20.
-Jeremy S. Hoffman, Vivek Shandas, and Nicholas Pendleton, “The Effects of Historical Housing Policies on Resident Exposure to Intra-Urban Heat: A Study of 108 US Urban Areas,” Climate 8, no. 1: 12, 2020: https://doi.org/10.3390/cli8010012.
-Kriston Capps, “Suicides Related to Foreclosure and Eviction Doubled During the Housing Crisis,” Bloomberg CityLab, February 20, 2015: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-02-20/a-new-cdc-study-finds-that-suicides-over-foreclosures-and-evictions-doubled-during-the-housing-crisis.
-“Life Expectancy at Birth for U.S. States and Census Tracts, 2010-2015,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, 2020: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data-visualization/life-expectancy/.
-“Long-Term Services & Supports State Scorecard,” AARP Foundation, 2020: http://www.longtermscorecard.org/.
-Meg Anderson, “Racist Housing Practices From the 1930s Linked to Hotter Neighborhoods Today,” All Things Considered, NPR, January 14, 2020: https://www.npr.org/2020/01/14/795961381/racist-housing-practices-from-the-1930s-linked-to-hotter-neighborhoods-today.
-Mercedes A. Bravo, Rebecca Anthopolos, Michelle L. Bell, and Marie Lynn Miranda, “Racial isolation and exposure to airborne particulate matter and ozone in understudied US populations: Environmental justice applications of downscaled numerical model output,” Environment International, Volumes 92–93, 2016, pgs. 247-255, ISSN 0160-4120, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2016.04.008.
-“Places: Local Data for Better Health,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020: https://www.cdc.gov/places/.
-Roshanak Mehdipanah, Jessica Ramirez, and Shanti Abedin, “What Are the Connections Between Housing Discrimination and Health?” Housing Matters Initiative, The Urban Institute, August 28, 2019: https://housingmatters.urban.org/research-summary/what-are-connections-between-housing-discrimination-and-health.
-Ross Baird, Bruce Katz, Jihae Lee, and Daniel Palmer, “Towards a New System of Community Wealth,” Drexel University Nowak Metro Finance Lab, October 27, 2019: https://drexel.edu/nowak-lab/publications/reports/community-wealth/.
-Solomon Greene, Graham MacDonald, Olivia Arena, Tanaya Srini, Ruth Gourevitch, Richard Ezike, and Alena Stern, “Technology and Equity in Cities: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities,” The Urban Institute, November 21, 2019: https://www.urban.org/research/publication/technology-and-equity-cities/view/full_report.
Image Citation
-All Visualizations, Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana, 2020-2022
Panel 3 (Neighborhood Intimidation)
Panel 5 (Blockbusting & Steering)
Panel 6 (Anti-Discrimination Efforts)