National Origin, Immigration, & Refugee Status

State and federal fair housing laws prohibit discrimination based on national origin, religion, and ancestry. The fair housing laws protect you regardless of your immigration status. It is unlawful for a landlord to treat you differently because of your immigration status, national origin, or religion.  It is unlawful for a landlord to ask you questions about your immigration status because of how you look, talk or dress. Some landlords, owners, real estate agents, etc., might ask if you are in the country legally, ask to see your green card or visa, or ask for your social security number.  If you think that you are being asked about your immigration status because of where you are from, call the FHCCI.

Types of housing discrimination due to national origin may include:

  • Proof of citizenship or legal status solely due to someone’s national origin.
  • Requiring that someone “must speak English” in order to be rented to.
  • Providing different loan products due to national origin or targeting people with predatory products solely due to their national origin.
  • An advertisement which states, “No Mexicans.”
  • Charging different deposits or application requirements solely due to someone’s national origin.
  • A public housing authority who refuses to provide a translator or provide documents in alternative languages upon request.

FHCCI Resources: 

HUD/DOJ Guidance:

Other Resources: 

Reports of Interest: