Fair Housing & Advertising

There are very few exemptions under fair housing laws as it relates to advertising. This is largely due to the impact of advertising.

Advertising in violation of fair housing laws can take many forms including:

  • Print ads which state a refusal or preference against rental or sale due to someone’s protected class status, such as “no kids,” “Jewish neighborhood,” “Chinese preferred,” or “whites only.”
  • Verbal statements or comments which indicate a denial or preference against rental or sales.
  • A property who advertises for “adults only” but does not meet the requirements as housing for older persons.
  • Advertising using human models which only contain white models despite area demographics. 
  • A landlord who posts a “whites only” sign in front of a complex pool.
  • Roommate or housemate advertisements which include language indicating a preference for or against any protected group but same gender (ok to say female seeking female, for example).

FHCCI Resources:

General Information:

HUD Resources:

Cases of Interest:

Reports of Interest: