Fair Housing Conference

Building Inclusive Communities Through Fair Housing

2nd Annual Fair Housing Conference

The Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana (FHCCI) and its community sponsors are pleased to present the 2nd Annual Fair Housing Conference on Thursday, April 17, 2014 at the Marriott East in Indianapolis, Indiana. This year’s theme is Building Inclusive Communities Through Fair Housing. The conference workshops start at 9:00 AM – arrive by 8:30 AM for breakfast and to receive registration materials.

Fair Housing Conference Cover Low Res

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: This year’s conference will honor the 46th anniversary of the federal Fair Housing Act with civil rights pioneer Carlotta Walls LaNier as the keynote luncheon speaker. Mrs. LaNier was the youngest of nine students who boldly integrated Little Rock High School, when segregation was the law of the land in Arkansas. In 1957, fourteen year-old Carlotta Walls and eight other black students faced angry mobs, racist elected officials, and intervention by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was forced to send in the 101st Airborne to escort the Nine into the building. Little did she realize that day that this was the beginning of a journey that would challenge prevailing attitudes, break down barriers, and forever change the landscape of America. Mrs. LaNier has since pursued a successful career as a real estate broker for more than 30 years and founded her own real estate brokerage firm, LaNier and Company, which she currently operates, with her son Whitney. She is also the author of A Mighty Long Way: My Journey to Justice at Little Rock Central High School. She will recount her personal experiences of those days and share her thoughts on today’s civil rights movement. Attendees will also have the opportunity to purchase her book at the author book signing following the conference.

AGENDA: Along with the luncheon keynote, the conference will also feature 8 workshop options in the morning for attendees to choose from based on rental, sales and lending fair housing topics. Tentative workshop topics include:

  • Fair Housing and the Rights of Those with Disabilities (Rental Focus)
  • Fair Housing and Indiana Housing Protections for Domestic Violence Survivors (Rental Focus)
  • Ensuring Housing Opportunity For New Immigrants and Due to National Origin (Rental Focus)
  • A Review of the Foreclosure Crisis and How Neighborhoods of Color Were Targeted with Discriminatory Practices (Sales & Lending Focus)
  • Ensuring Inclusiveness in Sales and Lending for Those with Disabilities (Sales & Lending Focus)
  • The Impact of Gender on Fair Housing Choice (Rental, Sales & Lending Focus)
  • Ensuring Fair Housing for LGBT (Rental, Sales & Lending Focus)
  • Maintaining Our Curb Appeal and What Does and Does Not Affect Property Values (Sales & Lending Focus)

For workshop descriptions or a more detailed agenda, click here (updated 3-26-14). Please note that the workshops and schedule are tentative at this time and subject to change. Check back for updates.

CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS: The FHCCI has submitted applications for continuing education. Watch this page for updates as credits are confirmed. Or, contact the FHCCI for any updates.

  • 5.5 NASW Social Work Continuing Education Hours have been APPROVED – see verification here
  • 5.5 hours of CLE/Continuing Legal Credits APPROVED; 5.5 hours of New Lawyer CLE also APPROVED – see verification here
  • Broker/Salesperson Continuing Real Estate Credits APPROVED; CE21400003 – Broker; CE21400004 – Sales; – see verification here

COST: The registration cost for this all-day event is only $30/person and assists the FHCCI with the costs of food and beverage. This registration cost includes the workshops, keynote, continental breakfast, food breaks, and lunch.

REGISTRATION: To register for the conference, click here. Registration is required. Space is limited. Your registration is not considered completed until payment is received.

  • Those who want to send checks instead of an online payment, can print the registration form, complete it and mail to the FHCCI with payment.
  • If you have any problems in completing your registration or need an alternative option, please contact Brady at the FHCCI.
  • Please be sure to note any reasonable accommodation or dietary needs in the applicable area on your registration.

PARKING: Parking at the conference center/hotel is free.

ACCOMMODATIONS FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: Please contact Brady at the FHCCI if any accommodations are needed. Alternate formats of materials will be available upon request for those with disabilities.

SCHOLARSHIPS: A limited number of reduced rate scholarships are available to those who are of low-income. To apply for a scholarship, please complete this form. Send completed forms with indicated payment to the FHCCI.

SPONSORS: This conference is presented with the generous support of the following community sponsors:

Gold Sponsors

Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities
PNC Bank

Silver Sponsors

Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority (IHCDA)
Indiana Protection & Advocacy Services (IPAS)

Bronze Sponsor

Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF)

Nonprofit and Other Sponsors

accessABILITY, Center for Independent Living
Affordable Housing Association of Indiana
Back Home in Indiana Alliance
Central Indiana Realtist Association
City of Indianapolis
Coalition for Homelessness Intervention and Prevention (CHIP)
Easter Seals Crossroads, Indianapolis
GIPC Race & Cultural Relations Leadership Network
Greater Indianapolis NAACP Branch #3053
Immigrant Welcome Center
Indiana Apartment Association
Indiana Civil Rights Commission
Indiana Legal Services
Indiana Public Health Association
Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Inc. – Alpha Alpha Omega Indianapolis Alumni Chapter
Kennedy King Memorial Initiative
La Plaza
National Bank of Indianapolis
Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic
Rebuilding Together Indianapolis
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)

If you are interested in conference sponsorship, contact Amy at the FHCCI.

QUESTIONS: If you have any questions about the conference, contact the FHCCI. We hope to see you on April 17th at this informative event!


This section is for downloading of conference materials and speaker handouts from the conference. We will add documents as speakers provide their materials to the FHCCI.

Fair Housing Conference Program

1st Breakout – Fair Housing and the Rights of Those with Disabilities:

1st Breakout – Fair Housing and Indiana Housing Protections for Domestic Violence Survivors

1st Breakout – Ensuring Housing Opportunity for New Immigrants and Due to National Origin:

1st Breakout – A Review of the Foreclosure Crisis and How Neighborhoods of Color Were Targeted with Discriminatory Practices:

2nd Breakout – Ensuring Inclusiveness in Sales and Lending for Those with Disabilities:

2nd Breakout – The Impact of Gender on Fair Housing Choice

2nd Brekout – Ensuring Fair Housing for LGBT Persons

2nd Breakout – Maintaining Our Curb Appeal and What Affects Property Values:

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Date(s) - Apr 17 2014
9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Indianapolis Marriott East