Fair Housing Conference 2017
FHCCI’s 5th Annual Fair Housing Conference & Anniversary Celebration
Thursday, April 6, 2017
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Indianapolis, Indiana
No Hate in Our Neighborhood: How Fair Housing Laws Combat Hate and Promote Inclusion
DATE/TIME: The FHCCI’s 5th Annual Fair Housing Conference & Anniversary Celebration will be held on Thursday, April 6, 2017 at the Marriott East in Indianapolis from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. This year’s conference theme is No Hate in Our Neighborhood: How Fair Housing Laws Combat Hate and Promote Inclusion. Registration opens at 8:00 AM. The conference will begin promptly at 9:00 AM. Please arrive by 8:30 AM to receive your registration packet and breakfast.
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: We are very excited to announce that Julian Jackson of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) will be our luncheon keynote speaker with a presentation titled: SPLC: Fighting Hate, Teaching Tolerance, Seeking Justice. The SPLC is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society.
Our opening keynote speaker will be Ise Lyfe. Mr. Lyfe is an award winning recording artist, justice advocate, and author. In his latest conceptual art project, Brighter Than Blight, Mr. Lyfe transformed a blighted condemned housing project into a life-sized exhibition and artistic narrative on housing as a human right.
Featured, and confirmed, panelists will include Sara Pratt of Relman, Dane & Colfax, Timothy Moran of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Housing and Civil Enforcement Section, and JoAnne Page of The Fortune Society.
AGENDA: Along with the speakers above, the conference will also feature TEN workshop options for attendees to choose from based on rental, sales, lending, and zoning fair housing topics. This is an increase from EIGHT workshops in previous conferences. Workshop topics include:
- Fair Housing 101 (two parts)
- Fair Housing Disability Case Law Update (two parts)
- How Immigration, Refugee, and Religious Bias Impacts Fair Housing Choice
- Ensuring Fair Lending
- Fair Housing and Criminal History Challenges
- Lending Hot Topics
- Housing Bias Impacting Gender and LGBTQ
- Fair Housing Hot Topics
For a more detailed agenda, click here. Please note that the workshops and schedule are subject to change.
CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS: The FHCCI submitted applications in mid January for continuing education for attorneys, social workers, and real estate. Previous FHCCI conferences have received this approval but watch this page for updates as credits are confirmed. Or, contact the FHCCI for any updates.
- Legal: APPROVED for 4.8 hours of General Continuing Legal Education. (Course No. 213822 – see attached)
- Real Estate: APPROVED for 4 hours of continuing education by the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency.
- Social Work: APPROVED for 5.25 continuing education hours by the National Association of Social Workers-Indiana Chapter.
CONFERENCE COST: The registration cost for this all-day event is only $40/person if registered on or by March 3, 2017. After this date, the cost will be $55/person. This registration cost assists the FHCCI with the costs of the keynote speaker, food, and beverage. This registration cost includes the workshops, keynote, continental breakfast, food and beverage breaks, and lunch. Due to hotel meal count requirements, we are unable to provide refunds after March 24, 2017.
PARKING: Parking at the conference center/hotel is free.
SLEEPING ROOMS: There is a small block of sleeping rooms for the evening of April 5, 2017 available at the Marriott East for $124 plus tax. Just mention the Fair Housing Conference for this great rate. Please contact the Marriott East directly at 317-352-1231 for details. This block expires on March 6, 2017 so be sure to reserve any sleeping rooms promptly.
REGISTRATION: To register for the conference, click here. Registration is required. Space is limited. Your registration is not considered complete until payment is received.
- Those who want to send checks instead of an online payment, should register online, choose the check option, and mail payment to the FHCCI. Please note our new mailing address of 445 N. Pennsylvania Street, Suite 811, Indianapolis, IN 46204.
- If you have any problems in completing your registration or need an alternative option, please contact Brady at the FHCCI.
- Please be sure to note any reasonable accommodation or dietary needs in the applicable area of your registration or contact the FHCCI.
ACCOMMODATIONS FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: Please contact Brady at the FHCCI if any accommodations are needed or note on your registration. Alternate formats of materials will be available upon request for those with disabilities.
SPONSORS: Your registration fee does not cover all the per person meal costs and associated expenses. Without the sponsorship of so many organizations, we would not be able to provide this affordable conference registration rate. A BIG thank you to our sponsors for making this event possible and allowing persons across income levels to attend!
This conference is presented with the generous support of the following community sponsors:*
Gold Level
Fifth Third Bank
Indiana Civil Rights Commission
Silver Level
Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities
Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority (IHCDA)
Bronze Level
City of Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development
Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County
MIBOR Realtor Association
Print Resources
Prosperity Indiana
Nonprofit and Other Sponsors
accessABILITY, Center for Independent Living
Back Home in Indiana Alliance
Central Indiana Realtist Association
Children’s Bureau, Inc.
Concerned Clergy of Indianapolis
Goodin Abernathy LLP
Indiana Legal Services
Indiana Statewide Independent Living Council (INSILC)
Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership (INHP)
La Plaza
Marion County Public Health Department
National Bank of Indianapolis
Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic
Shalom Health Care Center
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)
*Other Sponsors Pending. If you are interested in conference sponsorship, contact Amy at the FHCCI.
PAST CONFERENCES: Want to learn about previous FHCCI conferences? Visit our events pages: 2016 Conference, 2015 Conference, 2014 Conference
QUESTIONS: If you have any questions about the conference, contact the FHCCI. We hope to see you on April 6th at this informative fair housing event!
Date(s) - Apr 6 2017
8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Indianapolis Marriott East