Fair Housing Conference 2015
Opening the Front Door to Equal Housing Opportunities
3rd Annual Fair Housing Conference – April 16, 2015
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM – Indianapolis, Indiana
Presented by the Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana and its community partners
**Detailed conference information follows, if you wish to go directly to registration, click here.**
DATE/TIME: The 2015 Fair Housing Annual Conference, entitled Opening the Front Door to Equal Housing Opportunities, will be held at the Marriott East Hotel in Indianapolis from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM on Thursday, April 16, 2015. Registration opens at 8:00 AM. The conference will begin promptly at 9:00 AM. Please arrive by 8:30 AM to receive your registration packet and breakfast.
SPEAKERS: Herman Boone, legendary football coach and inspiration for the 2000 film Remember the Titans, and Bryan Greene, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), will speak at the April 16, 2015 Fair Housing Annual Conference. In addition, a featured workshop panelist will be Steven Rosenbaum, Chief, Housing & Civil Rights Section at the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, DC, who will provide an update on the Department of Justice’s fair lending cases. Other local and nationally known fair housing speakers will also be workshop panelists.
The conference will open with Mr. Greene providing an update on HUD efforts to ensure equal housing opportunities. Attendees will then select from eight fair housing workshop topics on current issues. Coach Herman Boone will keynote the luncheon.
AGENDA: Along with the speakers noted above, the conference will also feature eight workshop options for attendees to choose from based on rental, sales, and lending fair housing topics. Tentative workshop topics include:
- Ensuring Fair Housing Choice for Those with Disabilities: An Update on Fair Housing Case Law (Rental, Sales & Lending Focus)
- Fair Housing and Indiana Housing Protections for Survivors of Domestic Violence (Rental Focus)
- Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Through Analyses of Impediments (Rental, Sales & Lending Focus)
- Justice in Lending: An Update on the Department of Justice Fair Lending Actions (Lending Focus)
- Bridging the Gaps – How to Address Housing Choice for Those Denied: Visitability, Source of Income, Criminal History, & LGBT Discrimination (Rental & Sales Focus)
- Foreclosures and REOs – An Update on Indiana Actions and National Fair Housing Cases for Stronger Neighborhoods (Sales & Lending Focus)
- Promoting Cultural Sensitivity – Inclusive Practices for New Immigrants (Rental Focus)
- Intimidation in Housing – An Update on Fair Housing Actions & Hate Crime Laws (Rental & Sales Focus)
For detailed workshop descriptions and/or a more comprehensive agenda, click here (updated 3-23-15). Please note that the workshops and schedule are tentative at this time and subject to change. Check back for updates and additional speaker confirmations.
CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS: The FHCCI is in process of submitting applications for continuing education – please note that the 2014 conference received the continuing education approval noted below. Watch this page for updates as credits are confirmed. Or, contact the FHCCI for any updates.
- 5.25 NASW Social Work Continuing Education Hours APPROVED. See verification for additional information.
- 5.3 hours of CLE/Continuing Legal Credits APPROVED. See verification for additional information.
- Continuing Real Estate Credits APPROVED; 5.0 credit hours. See verification for additional information.
CONFERENCE COST: The registration cost for this all-day event is only $35/person if registered and paid on or by March 15, 2015. After this date, the cost will be $50/person. This registration cost assists the FHCCI with the costs of the keynote speaker, food, and beverage. This registration cost includes the workshops, keynote, continental breakfast, food and beverage breaks, and lunch.
PARKING: Parking at the conference center/hotel is free.
SLEEPING ROOMS: The hotel sleeping room block at the Marriott East has expired but the FHCCI has a small block of sleeping rooms still available for the night of April 15, 2015. Contact Amy at the FHCCI for more information.
REGISTRATION: To register for the conference, click here. Registration is required. Space is limited. Your registration is not considered complete until payment is received.
- Those who want to send checks instead of an online payment, should register online, choose the check option, and mail payment to the FHCCI.
- If you have any problems in completing your registration or need an alternative option, please contact Brady at the FHCCI.
- Please be sure to note any reasonable accommodation or dietary needs in the applicable area on your registration.
ACCOMMODATIONS FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: Please contact Brady at the FHCCI if any accommodations are needed. Alternate formats of materials will be available upon request for those with disabilities.
SPONSORS: This conference is presented with the generous support of the following community sponsors:*
Gold Sponsors
Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities
Silver Sponsors
Indiana Association for Community Economic Development (IACED)
Bronze Sponsors
Central Indiana Community Foundation
Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority (IHCDA)
Nonprofit and Other Sponsors
accessABILITY, Center for Independent Living
Affordable Housing Association of Indiana
Central Indiana Realtist Association
City of Indianapolis-Department of Metropolitan Development
Coalition for Homelessness Intervention and Prevention (CHIP)
Concerned Clergy of Indianapolis
Easter Seals Crossroads, Indianapolis
Indiana Public Health Association (IPHA)
Indianapolis Housing Agency (IHA)
Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership (INHP)
Kennedy King Memorial Initiative
Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic
Rebuilding Together Indianapolis
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development
*Others Sponsors Pending. If you are interested in conference sponsorship, contact Amy at the FHCCI.
QUESTIONS: If you have any questions about the conference, contact the FHCCI. We hope to see you on April 16th at this informative event!
Date(s) - Apr 16 2015
8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Marriott East